Monday, December 15, 2008

Real Estate Investing in Victoria

The funny thing about investing in Victoria is that it hasn't really been hurt by this market. The prices have gone down however the rental market is still hot. Only 5 in every 1000 rental suites are vacant and rents are high.

So we both invest in Victoria and between us we have eight rental suites and two vacation rentals. We have yet to have one of the suites vacant for more than a month and have been extremely lucky with tenants.

Some of the rentals have interest only mortgages with variable rates which make sense when they are truly income properties. Some of them have variable rates and pay off principle and well we keep researching to see what the best mortgage is for our needs. We love having rental properties and know that these will be our nest egg in the future.

We also love to show people how to be real estate investors. Once you have everything set up..they basically take care of themselves. We can show you how and tell you about the pros and cons.

The best thing we did was join the Rental Owner's Management Society. The other cool thing we did is follow our passion and become mortgage brokers. The real estate market is fascinating so why not work in an industry you love?

So over dinner one night, the Lawless Brown Mortgage Brokers came to life. Thank you so much to Arlene Modderman for helping us become part of Mortgage Depot. What a wonderful company full of knowledgeable people to assist us in being the best that we can be. The other wonderful thing we did was hire a dear friend of ours to help us design our website and between her and our dear friend Janis, the following was designed

We loaded it with free info and a free newsletter. We hope the info on it will motivate people to invest in the Victoria Real Estate market and set themselves up for a financially independent future.

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