Roma Luciw
From Monday's Globe and Mail Published on Sunday, Jan. 03, 2010 6:26PM EST Last updated on Monday, Jan. 04, 2010 4:18PM EST
With 2009 slated to go down as a tumultuous time for your money, 2010 could prove to be the year when Canadians put their financial house in order – provided they can get their balance sheets under control.
Heading into the new year, debt is the biggest financial hurdle for many families, says certified financial planner Bradley Roulston, a manager of the Nelson & District Credit Union in British Columbia.
“Household debt – mostly mortgages and consumer debt – has increased to record levels. And with interest rates bound to go up, people need to make sure they have enough cash flow to sustain a few percentage [point] increases on their payments.”
The debt-to-income ratio among households hit a record this year. The latest Statscan
report showed that for every $100 of personal disposable income, Canadians are carrying $145 in debt, up sharply from $88.60 in 1990. The ballooning debt comes at a time when the Bank of Canada is warning of higher interest rates.
Citing potential interest rate increases, Manulife Securities senior financial adviser Kurt Rosentreter is advising clients shopping for real estate in 2010 to take defensive measures. “Resist overpaying for a home, delay the purchase of secondary or recreational real estate, save for larger initial deposits and focus on debt repayment more than new, optional portfolio savings.”
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