Saturday, October 9, 2010

Make Way Turkey - Here Comes Candy!

Sherri and I love turkey dinner with our family and friends and want to wish everyone a Happy Gobble Gobble Day.  It is a wonderful time of the year to reflect and be thankful for everything that we have been blessed with - wonderful families, great friends, fabulous clients and the opportunity to work and live in this amazing city. 

Our favourite time of the year comes after Thanksgiving - HALLOWE'EN.  Between us we have five children who love trick or treating which of course brings lots of candy into the house.  As parents - we NEVER eat it.......OK who are we kidding, we both love candy.

In celebration of Hallowe'en we have decorated our office windows.  We are located on Beacon Avenue in Sidney next to the barber shop so if you are wandering by, please drop in for a visit and check out our windows.  We may even have some Hallowe'en candy........

Enjoy the pictures.
Krista and Sherri
Lawless Brown Mortgage Team

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