Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It’s Time to Think About Winterizing Your Ride

          Driving in the colder months will require you pay attention to a few things on your car. Winterizing your car is important if you want it to continue to be reliable.

Get a Good Tune up    
(we can help you with this)
Nothing is worse than breaking down in the dead of winter. Instead of chancing this, have your vehicle looked over and tuned up. Check for cracked hoses, dry belts, water pumps, spark plugs, and the battery. If any of this needs to be replaced do this before the cold weather rolls in.

Check the Cooling System   

Antifreeze will protect your car in extreme temperatures. It's not a bad idea to flush the system and start new before winter comes. While this isn't necessary, it's going to save you from a frozen engine block. At the very least, check the levels and make sure the system isn't leaking.

Replace Wiper Blades  

 Have you ever tried to drive in freezing rain or snow with worn down wiper blades? No fun! Wiper blades are inexpensive and there is no reason to not have them replaced before cold weather sets in. Also be sure to turn the blades off before stopping your car. If they end up freezing to the window while the car is parked you can burn the motor out when you turn the car back on.

Keep your Gas Tank Full 

Keeping your tank full during the winter serves a few purposes. First, keeping a full tank will allow you to start up the car more easily on very cold mornings. Secondly, if you do happen to break down or get stuck you will have fuel to keep the engine idling and keep you warm while you await rescue.

Test your Rear Defroster    

Driving with an icy rear window isdangerous.. Be sure your defroster is working before you need it. Also keep a good ice scraper handy for the other windows.

Understand Your Car   

It should go without saying, but many people drive around not knowing if they have front wheel or rear wheel drive. In the winter, this is pretty important to know. You should also know if you have anti lock brakes, traction control, stability control, and other features that may change the characteristics of your car while driving on ice or snow.

If you have any questions, come in and chat or give us a call.  We also answer Facebook and email.

Chris and Blaine

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